

Display utilities let you manage how an element is displayed (inline, on a separate line, etc). It also let you select its box-sizing to prevent overflow or unwanted behaviors.


By using classes ecl-u-d-* you can set the display of an element. Available values are:

  • ecl-u-d-block,
  • ecl-u-d-inline,
  • ecl-u-d-inline-block,
  • ecl-u-d-flex,
  • ecl-u-d-inline-flex,
  • ecl-u-d-table,
  • ecl-u-d-table-cell,
  • ecl-u-d-none,

Box sizing

By using classes ecl-u-box-sizing-* you can set the box-sizing of an element. See this page  for more information about box-sizing. Available values are:

  • ecl-u-box-sizing-content (content-box)
  • ecl-u-box-sizing-border (border-box)